Hi all
So I'm on holiday tomorrow for a few days so thought I would post a quick update. Still a bit stuck but very close I think on the base. I guess because its going to follow onto all my subsequent models for a while I'm being particularly picky on the feel. Here's a PIC of the first 5 test models. They are probably a little more red than the pick shows. I'm aims for a bit of jb style.on the base to bring some.life into the mainly black and neutral grey knight.
Bases made with soil, static grass on a base of Vallejo black lava.
So I'm on holiday tomorrow for a few days so thought I would post a quick update. Still a bit stuck but very close I think on the base. I guess because its going to follow onto all my subsequent models for a while I'm being particularly picky on the feel. Here's a PIC of the first 5 test models. They are probably a little more red than the pick shows. I'm aims for a bit of jb style.on the base to bring some.life into the mainly black and neutral grey knight.
Bases made with soil, static grass on a base of Vallejo black lava.
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